Filter your content formats to get viral on many platforms

By simply taking content from one platform and then sharing it on another, you can get quite a nice flow of traffic. Now, please understand as I mentioned at least twice in this book, just because a piece of content is popular on one platform doesn’t automatically mean that it will gain traction in another. Always remember that.

With that in mind, here are just some common strategies for ‘resharing’ content from one platform to another.

YouTube video strategy

The first thing that you need to do is to find videos on YouTube that have a high amount of views. This is the first indication of success. This video is not some sleeper video. It’s not a video that was published and was quickly forgotten. This video actually gets a lot of attention in your niche on YouTube.

Next, pay attention to the comments. How many comments are there? Usually, when people comment, it means that they are emotionally invested in the video. It either registered at some level or it struck them in some way. Whatever the case may be, it had an impact on them. Look for high comment videos and, finally, look at the number of likes.

This is not as important as the number of comments and the number of views. Again, you need to double check that these YouTube videos that you’re considering of republishing are really specific to your niche. Once you are sure that this is the kind of video you would want to curate, download these and share on your Facebook and Twitter accounts. 

Again, make sure to protect yourself by including CTTO and linking to the YouTube channel of the source. When sharing on Twitter, rotate the hashtag. Similarly, you can download Facebook and Twitter video content and share on your

YouTube channel. You’re basically just doing things in reverse.

Still, you are going to have to protect yourself by posting an attribution link next to the CTTO text.

Pictures strategy

Find viral infographic or picture content on Instagram and Pinterest. Share these on Facebook and Twitter with proper attribution. Do the same with viral Facebook and Twitter photo content, but on the Instagram and Pinterest platforms. Again, make sure you rotate your hashtags. Make sure that this stuff is really niche specific.

Also, if you find viral content in your niche on Twitter and Facebook, look for accounts on Pinterest and Instagram that target those niches. Look at their followers and try to follow those followers and possibly get them to follow you back. This way, you’re working on two levels. You’re not just shuffling curated content around. You’re also building up an organic niche following for your accounts.

All content must eventually lead to your conversion accounts

On your YouTube channel, you should have a link to your squeeze page or blog. This can be in your about page. This can also be in the description of every video you upload on YouTube. Please understand that most people don’t click on the about link on YouTube. They might like your videos, but they might not bother to get more information about you.

Do yourself a big favor and make sure that every time you upload a video, put your squeeze page URL or blog URL in the description section.

Twitter strategy

On your Twitter account, make sure you include your squeeze page URL or your blog URL in your bio profile and rotate among these in the content that you are sharing. The same applies to your Facebook page, as well as your Facebook group posts. It’s all about maximizing eyeballs to your squeeze page or your blog homepage URL.

Of course, as I’ve mentioned several times here, when you are republishing curated content, you have to be hands on. You can’t just take content that is already popular and just shuffle it off to another platform or redistribute it on the same platform that content is already on. you’re probably not going to benefit all that much from that content’s viral appeal.

You have to play around with the title, as well as the commentary, and really add more value to each piece of content. As you can probably tell, this can take quite some time and that is why I suggest that you hire a virtual assistant with solid English skills from places like Fiverr or you’re looking to save money,

If you need expert writing services, you might want to try Upwork or if you are operating on a budget but need very high quality, try

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