Let’s get one thing clear: too many people try “viral marketing” and fail. The reason should be obvious. Most people have no clue what viral marketing is really all about. In fact, the more they hear the term, the more confused they get. This increases the likelihood that they will crash and burn when they try “viral marketing.”

Let me clue you in on a secret. The secret to viral marketing is all about getting into a niche network of people.

Believe it or not, people interested in whatever it is you are promoting are already congregating online. Maybe they follow a certain influential Twitter user. Maybe they have joined a wide range of Facebook groups and pages. Many of these are dedicated to this audience.

Most people who try viral marketing are clueless about this. They don’t even know that this niche network already exists.

So what is the secret? It’s as simple as getting into the right network and ‘resharing’ content that has already gone viral. There, I said it. The cat is out of the bag.

Many people fail with this type of marketing because they think that they have to come up with their own stuff. What they’re really trying to do is reinvent the wheel. Why should you roll the dice with content that has a high chance of not going anywhere? Focus instead on something that’s already popular with your audience members.

You then take something that’s popular on Twitter and reshare it on Facebook as well as on many other accounts on Twitter that may not have seen the viral content you’re sharing. Leverage different sharing platforms’ tagging systems and other audience visibility systems.

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